Moving Through Difficult Emotions

Moving Through Difficult Emotions

We are all experiencing grief. Sometimes we hide it well, other times it grabs us and we’re afraid it will pull us under. When we stop to think about what we’ve lost we feel a sense of heaviness. We may be grieving different things, but we are all feeling it. When I...
Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

As a kid when someone called me an unkind name, I would sometimes respond with the familiar adage, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This saying has a nice ring to it, but as an adult I know it’s a lie. The truth is that while most...
Find and Savor the Good

Find and Savor the Good

Have you ever walked away from a generally positive meeting and noticed your brain zeroing in on the one negative moment? If so, you are not alone. This is the way brains work! When we feel stressed and overwhelmed our brain responds by narrowing our focus, scanning...
Self-Compassion in Anxious Times

Self-Compassion in Anxious Times

We are living through a time of unprecedented anxiety and uncertainty. For those of us who struggle with anxiety even in more normal times, the current state of the world can feel overwhelming and paralyzing. Many of us are searching desperately for some measure of...
Radical Acceptance as Self-Compassion

Radical Acceptance as Self-Compassion

The other day I was late to an appointment I had been looking forward to. I felt frustrated with myself for missing something I actually wanted to do. I was angry at my dog for delaying me, angry with the other cars on the road: It was an unpleasant drive! Moments...