Grief and Transitions

Sometimes life pulls the rug out from under us.

It is common to need extra support during major transitions and losses.

Layoffs, break-ups, divorce – these are the painful transitions that often feel unmanageable and overwhelming.

Loss of a loved one, major health complications – these curve balls leave us without solid ground to stand on, truly unsure of how we can move forward.

Filling the aching void.

Even finding yourself at midlife and unsatisfied with where you are can lead to an internal crisis.

Many of us use Netflix, sex, alcohol, drugs, and food to numb out and survive. But this numbing leaves us with feelings of loneliness, dissatisfaction, and shame.

What else can we do to thrive rather than just survive the pain of loss?

There is life beyond heartbreak and loss.

Whether you are hanging on by a thread or seeking to make some midlife changes, we can help you find solid ground to stand on again.

Clients reach out to us when they are feeling hopeless and lost, but also because these life events can be a wake-up call, a reminder that we want to be able to look back on our lives some day and be proud of the choices we made.

Finding a way to pivot from crisis to opportunity is fraught with challenges.

When you recognize you are in the midst of one of these critical moments in your life, the right kind of support can help you move in a direction that is more satisfying and fulfilling.

It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

If you are looking for a way through the darkness of grief or wanting to live a life that is more meaningful and authentic, we are here to help.

Reach us here to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation. We all begin with just one small candle.