Individual Therapy

It’s not easy

Whether you have been in therapy before or want to try it for the first time, reaching out for support can be uncomfortable.

The thought of opening up to a stranger about your biggest struggles is intimidating.

You know you are ready to move forward when the thought of remaining with the pain you are in feels worse than the thought of reaching out for support.

Ready for a new beginning

When you meet with your therapist for your first session, we will explore the problems you are wanting to focus on and the outcomes you are hoping for. We will ask about your past and present to get a full picture of your strengths and challenges.

In the first few sessions, we will outline the goals for your therapy and the approaches we may take to achieve them.

From there, week-to-week you will bring in the life experiences that trouble you. We’ll look closely at your experiences to get a better understanding of how to reach your goals.

We might discuss ways to help you make behavioral changes, ways to cope with intense emotions, ways to practice being kinder to yourself, and ways to help you notice your reactions and pause before you decide what action to take.

Moving from awareness to empowerment and growth

Together, we will try to be non-judgmental observers of the “STUF” of your experiences – your body (S)ensations, your (T)houghts, your action (U)rges, and your (F)eelings.

You will expand your awareness of your inner experience, be empowered with a wealth of knowledge and skills, and ultimately increase your confidence to handle what life throws in your path.

Take the first step today.

Reach us here to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.